"Here is a clear and precise book which is not only an introduction to the practice and the benefits of the Afghan Walk breathing exercises, but which uses this rhythmic breathing method as a complement when working on the different chakras or even during the inner smile meditation. Sylvie Alice Royer succeeds, thanks to the use she makes of the Afghan walk and her personal approach, to make us achieve a revitalization and a complete regeneration in order to preserve our health capital ”.
Corinne Stiegler, daughter of the creator of the Afghan march Édouard G. Stiegler (2014)
This educational book has been designed to support anyone
eager to learn Afghan walking in the easiest way and
effective possible. It does not replace the support of an instructor who will know
elaborate on the data and validate the practical application of the lessons. You there
will however find the information necessary for a good understanding
theory of the Afghan march. You will also find advice
basic on certain personal hygiene approaches related to
Edward G. Stiegler
The concept of the Afghan march was developed in the early 1980s by Édouard G. Stiegler. The latter was already interested in the impact of breathing on health as an advanced follower of the breathing exercises of Dr. Hanish. During an economic mission in Afghanistan, he had the opportunity to observe caravanners and took an interest in their physical endurance. Indeed, these caravanners sometimes traveled distances of several hundred kilometers in a row, stopping only to sleep a few hours. Around mid-October, as the temperature was cold, he was able to observe the breathing of these nomads thanks to the formation of water vapors during the exhalation. He then wondered if their secret was not in the synchronization of the steps and the breath. He therefore experimented with various respiratory rhythms associated with walking. Convinced of his results, he shared them with his friends who found the relevant effects. He soon systematized his observations and experiments in a walking technique which he called "Afghan walk". He disseminated it through his book “Regeneration by the Afghan March”. Stiegler's work is particularly well known in Europe where active walking is appreciated and practiced by a large number of people.
“The breathing rhythms I have collected are similar to the tradition reported by Hanish. I tried them on all kinds of routes, in Afghanistan and elsewhere, on flat, uphill, and downhill paths, at various altitudes, as I had seen them do by the nomads that I had observed. [...] The results obtained at the physical, mental, spiritual, nervous levels, were so convincing, allowed so many new followers, elsewhere, to find an increased vitality, restorative sleep, a new resistance, the well- bodily being and inner peace. "
Extract "Regeneration by the Afghan march" Édouard G. Stiegler, Edition Guy Trédaniel
Corinne Stiegler continues the work of transmitting her father's teachings, in particular through publication. Let us underline its box "Regeneration by the Afghan march" and its site www.marcheafghane.fr. In France, the teaching of Afghan walking benefits in the field from the contribution in particular of Marie-Laure Le Clézio, sophrologist and designated reference of the Stiegler family.
The teaching of Afghan walking has benefited from the contribution of different actors, mainly in the French-speaking countries of Europe. An approach often adapted to mountain walking. In this regard, let us underline the important contribution of Danilo Zanin, deceased in 2019, author of the book “Je marche therefore je suis” published by Éditions Mango.
“The Afghan walk can be practiced anywhere, but it is obvious that the clean air of the countryside or the mountains is preferable to that of the cities. However, I know a good number of city dwellers who have abandoned their cars for the Afghan march and who tell me all the benefits. "
Daniel Zanin, mountain instructor
The Afghan march in Quebec
Founder in 2014 of the reference platform in Quebec for teaching Afghan walking, namely Marche afghane Québec, Sylvie Alice Royer contributes with a team of instructors active throughout Quebec to the growing development and influence of this practice. In addition to offering a complete education on the technique and spirit of Afghan walking, MAQ offers as part of its teaching health capsules related to superior oxygenation.
After more than 30 years of practice, Sylvie Alice has developed a sensitive understanding of the potential of the Afghan walk which she readily refers to by the expression "benevolent walk". His book “The Afghan walk for all” published in 2018 Éditions Thierry Souccar contributes, in Quebec and in Europe, to the revitalization of the practice. Sylvie Alice teaches Afghan walking, trains instructors and organizes overseas Afghan walking retreat trips in the great outdoors, especially in the desert and jungle.
The Afghan walk is based on the principle of coordinating breathing to the rhythm of the steps. Breathing takes place through the nose. Various rhythms are offered according to the objectives of the walker and the different types of terrain. Easy and accessible to everyone, the Afghan walk brings many physical and mental benefits thanks to deep rhythmic breathing. Whether it is for a healthy practice, a sporting objective or hikes lasting several days, the Afghan walk is an effective tool.
“Afghan walking is not a technique, it is a daily art of living that engages the main driving forces of the body: lungs, heart, muscles, brain. Walking is not a gesture, it is an innate relationship with the body and its environment. A state of the living human. This is also why the fact of walking engages the person so much in his own nature.
To stroll is to assert one's Being. When conscious breathing is additionally associated with walking, we can say that we are connected both to the heavens by the breath and to the earth by the will of our step. I gladly say to people who attend my workshops that with the Afghan march, we "march afghan", we march proud. In movement, the body finds its axis. He straightens up on his own. The stomach and legs naturally tense their muscles. The thorax opens, confident; the heart vibrates with the environment. We are present, unified. It is the art of walking towards oneself ”.
What fundamentally distinguishes the Afghan walk from the standard walk is the step-synchronized breathing. Respiratory awareness, associated with deep nasal breathing, allows a greater supply of oxygen which results in natural over-oxygenation. Walking in Afghanistan achieves all the benefits of walking, with an intensified ratio thanks to superior oxygenation. [...]
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