Edouard G. Stiegler
Photo courtoisie de la Famille Stiegler
The Afghan march was developed by the European Édouard G. Stiegler in the early 1980s. His daughter, Corinne Stiegler, continues to enthusiastically promote this wonderful march today. In Quebec, MAQ is the benchmark for teaching and developing Afghan walking with the help of several instructors active in the province.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Learning and practicing the Afghan walk is within everyone's reach. You just need to know how to synchronize your step and your breathing. There are different “step-breathing” sequences adapted to the topography of the terrain and to the physical effort. The ability to walk great distances, over different types of terrain obviously calls for athletic treks and expeditions. Thus, fans of hiking, jogging and Nordic skiing, in particular, are enthusiastic about discovering the potential of Afghan walking uphill and on long routes. The Afghan walk is also practiced daily as part of a health routine. It is an exercise that adapts to the physical condition of the practitioner while offering many benefits: improvement of metabolic exchanges and the functioning of the emunctories - lungs, kidneys, intestines, skin, maintains joint flexibility, development of strength.
Thanks to superior oxygenation, Afghan walking has favorable effects on the blood, lymphatic, nervous and subtle systems. The physical effort required by this type of walking is modulated on the physical condition and the objectives of the practitioner. Finally, within the framework of a followed practice, one reaches this "emptiness" of the mind so sought after by active meditation. The Afghan walk is the art of walking towards oneself; a fundamentally benevolent walk.
Édouard G. Stiegler is the founder of the Afghan March. In the early 1980s, he carried out an economic mission in Afghanistan under the aegis of the UN. This great walker, follower of rhythmic breathing, is then captivated by the nomadic caravanners. Here is how he describes in his book “ Regeneration through the Afghan walk ” one of his first encounters with them:
“The men, most of them middle-aged, with their weathered faces, their gaze fixed a few meters in front of them, sometimes towards the horizon, advanced, holding their dromedaries by the halter, walking at regular, wide and rapid steps, with a ardor that nothing seemed bound to waver. Absorbed in themselves, resolute like their animals overloaded with enormous bundles, I learned from a passer-by who spoke their language that they came from the south, a journey of 700 km, in one go, apart from the nocturnal bivouacs. They offered the spectacle of dusty travelers, but not that of tired people ”.
Back in Europe, after having experimented with different versions of walking rhythms, having shared his discoveries with enthusiastic relatives, Edouard G. Stiegler finally wrote his flagship book in 1981 "Regeneration by the Afghan walk" published by Trédaniel. The founder of the Afghan march died in 1986. His wife Colette and daughter Corinne sensitively support the promotion of this formidable march. Corinne Stiegler diligently pursues the work of her father. She has published various books on the Afghan march, including " Regeneration by rhythmic walking "
and the “ Regeneration by the Afghan March ” box set.
In France, the teaching of Afghan walking currently benefits from the expertise of sophrologist Marie-Laure Le Clézio.

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